
Starting November 25, 2019, we are thrilled to offer telemedicine (virtual consultations) through Teletails to our clients! Dr Stein can talk to you and see your pet through your phone or tablet!

Please be patient as we work through the growing pains of offering you this exciting new service!

Requirements for telemedicine include (but are not limited to):

  • Dr Stein must have physically examined your pet within the last 12 months
  • No serious illnesses or emergencies (please call the hospital at 716-839-1100 or one of the emergency clinics if we are not available)
  • Telemedicine consults may need to be converted to in-person appointments
  • You must have a smart phone or tablet or a computer with a webcam and microphone which are easily moved around so Dr Stein can see your pet
  • An appointment time range will be sent to you, you MUST be available during this range to take the video call
  • When setting up the app, be sure to allow notifications and allow access to your phone or tablet’s camera and microphone. If you skip this step, go into your settings to allow it for the TeleTails app.
  • When requesting a consultation, you MUST enter BOTH a subject AND a description, it will not accept the consultation request without both fields being entered (e.g. subject: “skin rash”, description: “Fluffy has a reddish rash on her belly since last night”)
  • Some clients have said that they don’t always get a push notification from the app, so if you have started a consultation and have not heard anything, please open the app to see if we have asked for more information, we may ask for pictures or further details before the actual consultation to help maximize how efficiently your time with Dr Stein is used

Click here for more information.