We are quite proud of our surgical capabilities. Dr. Stein has extensive postgraduate training in dog and cat surgery. The average veterinary practitioner has no formal postgraduate surgical training. While we clearly know our limitations, and refer cases beyond the scope of our training to Board Certified Surgical Specialists, we can offer a level of surgical competence that far exceeds the average general veterinary practice’s.
We perform a wide variety of surgical procedures, from spays and neuters, to foreign body removals, to orthopedic surgeries like patella (kneecap) reconstruction and cruciate ligament repairs. All surgeries, from the most routine to the most complex, are treated as equally important. Anesthetic medications are tailored to the individual pet, emergency drugs are calculated and drawn up for each patient undergoing an anesthetic event (in the unlikely event of an emergency, having the medications ready to go can save precious time), each pet has a staff member dedicated to monitoring their vital signs from the moment the pet is given sedation to the time the pet is placed in recovery. We monitor not only the pet’s heartbeat, but also blood pressure (blood pressure management is vitally important for the health of the pet’s internal organs, mismanaged blood pressure during an anesthetic event can lead to organ damage or even organ failure later in the pet’s life), temperature, oxygen saturation levels and breathing.