About Us

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Click here to find out What Makes Us Different

Welcome to our family of loving pet owners. We consider your pet to be a member of your family. As such, we know your decision regarding your pet’s Doctor is an important one. At the Amherst Small Animal Hospital, we gladly accept that important responsibility. You should have the same expectations of our health care as you do of your physician’s care.

We hope to make your visits fun for the whole family, including your pet.

  • We strongly suggest Happy Visits for all of our patients. Stop in for a friendly pat on the head and a tasty treat whenever you can. This helps them forget the visits with the needles.
  • Our outpatient exam rooms and in-hospital kennels feature dedicated cat only rooms because we know how stressful dog smells can be for some of our feline friends
  • Preanesthetic sedatives and analgesic (pain) medications lower the stress and discomfort associated with surgical procedures.
  • Longer appointment times and a larger staff help to minimize waiting time.

Excellent health care is our ultimate goal.

  • We have invested extensively in the renovation of our Hospital to create an efficient modern medical facility.
  • Sophisticated biochemistry and hematology equipment has been added to allow us to more quickly respond to the needs of our ill patients.
  • Anesthetic safety equipment at our hospital rivals that at a human care facility. Anesthetic safety and surgery are areas of special interest to Dr. Stein.
  • Our Fiber Optic Endoscope allows us to perform biopsies and retrieve swallowed objects without surgery.
  • Continued self improvement through Continuing Education is a priority for the entire professional staff. Dr. Stein has served as President of the Buffalo Academy of Veterinary Continuing Education.

We believe that the investments made in our facility and our staff allow us to provide the best value in veterinary health care services available today.

We want our clients to actively participate in the decisions affecting their loved ones. It is our job to help you understand your health care options.

  • We ask that our new patients set 1 hour aside for their first visit so that we can answer all of your questions and provide you with a tour of our facility.
  • We have quadrupled our appointment times over the last 10 years to allow for more interactive participation with our clients.
  • Let us help you select a new pet.
  • Understand that we have a strong sense of responsibility to inform you when a referral to a specialist would be in your pet’s best interest.

As the Owner and Director of the Amherst Small Animal Hospital, I take pride in my facility. This practice has served the Western New York Area for over 70 years. If your expectations are not fully met, please contact me personally.

Dr. Robert Stein